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What is Python- Everything a beginner needs to know

What is Python- Everything a beginner needs to know

ProITacademy Pune 902 04-Aug-2021

Python is often listed among the top programming languages in high demand from employers, and this demand is expected to grow due to its role in machine learning, data science, and cybersecurity.

What is Python?

Python was introduced in the 1980s by a development team led by Guido van Rossum of Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica in the Netherlands.

In technical terms...

Python is an interpreted, dynamically typed, aggregated, object-oriented, high-level programming language.

Let's break it down.

As an interpreted language, Python code is executed by a separate program installed on your computer, rather than being 'compiled' into a format the computer reads natively. This means you can run your Python code directly from the terminal or command prompt without having to first integrate it into an application or package. Creating a tool you want to use right away can save a lot of time!

In programming, 'garbage collection' refers to memory management. Since Python is garbage collected, this means it will reclaim memory when the program runs. This makes life so much easier for the developer, otherwise, you would have to do it yourself!

'High level' means the code looks more like English than other languages. This is because there is more 'abstraction' there. Even without programming experience, some lines and instructions in Python are self-explanatory. Python is object-oriented (OOP) as it allows classes and objects to be created.

What can you do with python? (What is it for and it's not!)

As you begin to develop Python, you will initially be satisfied with how easy it is to run simple processes.

Problems will arise when you start to try to share your projects. Because Python is interpreted, it means that, at first, you can only share your projects as Python files: code that requires an interpreter and some development experience to run. You can't send your program to a friend to try it out and work for them!

So what can you with this Python code?

One way is to create a web application. Many of the largest and most influential websites and tools on the Internet were developed in Python. These include:

• Google

• Instagram

• Spotify

• Netflix

• about

• Dropbox

• Pinterest

It works because the python code is running on the server. That is, a computer in a warehouse runs python code somewhere and uses it to change the look of a website. However, you cannot rely solely on Python to build these web applications. You also need a framework like Flask. Another option is Django.

Can you build mobile/Windows apps with Python?

The other option is to use external tools that write your code in a portable app format. For example, you can convert your Python code into an EXE file to run on Windows or an APK file to run on Android.

Buildozer, for example, is a tool that packages Python projects as APK files for Android or.IPA files for iOS. You'll also likely want to use a library like Kivy, which provides the graphical user interface elements we've come to expect from mobile apps.

If you want to create an executable for Windows, you can use additional tools like Pyinstaller.

Note that Python is not an officially supported option for building Android or iOS apps. It is also not very suitable for developing software for Windows or Mac.

Can you make games in Python?

Python's relationship to game development is like the relationship to mobile development. It's technically possible to create games in Python, but it's far from the ideal solution.

The best way to make games in Python is to use another external tool called Pygame.

Pygame will make things much easier by providing predefined code for drawing shapes and colors on the screen, playing sounds, and much more. others of this type.

That means you still need to code all this yourself.

Python for professionals

In addition to web development, Python is mainly used to create tools and software that you use yourself. As an information security analyst, for example, you might try cracking passwords with a Python script. If you are a data analyst, you can use Python to store and retrieve large amounts of information.

It doesn't matter if this Python code cannot be easily shared because you created it for your use. Python is popular for rapid prototyping.

How long does it take to learn Python?

The answer depends more on what you want to learn. Learning Python for web development takes a lot of time and effort. If you just want to get started with the basics of Python programming, you can learn the basics in a matter of days!

The best way to learn Python is to choose a simple project (like making a calculator) and try it out. You will also acquire the necessary skills for this project. Once you've done that, add a few more features or try something more complex. This structures your learning and you will find that in no time will you learn the skills you need to achieve your goals.

Otherwise, why not try an online Python course? These courses provide comprehensive training that will take you from beginner to professional level. This includes projects to get you started, as well as support and testing. Some even make you prepare for exams that provide industry-recognized certification. For more details and to learn from industry experts visit Python Classes in Pune

Updated 10-Aug-2021
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